I love to paint and these two paintings show how I can get lost in doing so. I am also a dancer so I was able to relate to what the figures in the painting are actually doing. These were both very fun to do.
Here are some pictures of the children's book I did last year for class. The inside pages are mostly just rough black and white sketches. There are 2 spreads and a single page with complete color and finished illustrations.
Here is an editorial piece I did a few months ago. I really came out of my comfort zone for this one, only because I am not very into the gossip of things, especially when it comes to more famous people. In this I suggested that yes, Woods focuses very hard on the sport of golf, but like anyone else... sometimes he has his mind on other things.
When you are doing work for something and you need a reference, the easiest one to use is yourself. I thought it would be fun to show how I am using myself as a reference for my newest children's book this semester. It's a bit of a sneak peek but I think it will be ok :)
For my next children's book that I am doing for class I want to play with the idea of a child learning what the imagination is. I'm not sure how I want to word it quite yet but I am playing with the idea of how as a child, we used simple house hold items to help take us to another world. Like if you were going to sword fight a dragon, you could wear a colander on your head, have a pillow case as a cape, a pillow for a shield and a ladle as your weapon of choice :) This is just a sketch of what I had in mind.
I was at a party and as a typical artist I felt like drawing. Here is a sketch from my sketchbook. I didn't like the drawing that was previously on the page so I just drew over it. Sometimes it gives a cool effect to a drawing if you layer images like that.